Samsung launches “S Health” brand

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Amongst a flurry of announcements surrounding the launch of the new Samsung flagship Galaxy SIII Smartphone (in a fortnight carriers around the world presold more than 9 million devices making it the fastest ever selling smartphone) Samsung has made a bold move and announced the launch of it’s own mHealth brand: “S Health”.

Very positive news and well timed


This follows some key new hires from the healthcare industry and it’s very positive for the mHealth community that this has received branding consistent with the “S Voice”/”S Beam” naming strategy as this will ensure it’s a key part of the core consumer brand proposition going forward for the worlds biggest mobile handset manufacturer.

Timing couldn’t be better, the world is set to see much more of this device and it’s health/sport associations as it’s the “official” NFC mobile of the 2012 Summer Olympics and there will be a “Visa payWave” special edition being distributed to select/sponsored athletes.

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